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Authors |
Maslov Dmitriy Georgievich, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professors, sub-department of economic theory and international relationships, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail: maslovDG@mail.ru
Rozhkova Liliya Valer'evna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of the sub-department of economic theory and international relationships, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail: mamaeva_lv@mail.ru
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Abstract |
Background. To analyze the state and dynamics of supercomplex systems of socio-economic type, the problems of applying the institutional-system research method are investigated. Particular attention is paid to use of blockchain technology to identify the effectiveness of institutions emerging in the IEES.
Materials and methods. Synthesis of systemic and institutional research methods is used. According to the system-institutional approach to the study of EES evolution, the transition from one historical stage of its development to another occurs through the growth of orderliness and organization in the system under the influence of its institutional organization and the increasing complexity of its level.
Results. The procedure for constructing a multi-level model involves the following sequence of actions: 1) theoretical substantiation of the choice of the backbone element – the original point of system building; 2) analysis of the interaction “backbone element – ecological-economic relations” and the theoretical substantiation of the institutional and evolutionary modifications of the backbone element; 3) theoretical substantiation of system-forming function that sets the “nature” of a multi-level system and its analytical boundaries; 4) theoretical design of the institutional environment of a multi-level ecological-economic system, taking into account the activity of the backbone element in generating or importing informal institutions, verifying them from other subjects by applying blockchain technology and ending mining by formalizing the institute as an element of the IEES.
Conclusions. The system method, supplemented by an institutional one, allows raising the analysis of economic phenomena to a qualitatively new level, prepares the transition from monomeric cognition based on the properties of “genome” element to multidimensional, scientifically explaining fundamental influence on the heredity of institutions in the process of institutionalizing EES of the epigenetic (external) system a set of factors affecting the ontogeny of EES. Evolving within the SES framework, the overall institutional organization of an EES during the development of a system forms its institutional environment, and the selection of institutions leads to the formation of a sustainable development trajectory (chreod). The efficiency of transforming one chreod into another under disturbing environmental impact and avoiding institutional traps can be achieved to form the institutional environment of the EES blockchain technology.
Key words |
system-institutional analysis, ecological-economic system, blockchain-formation of effective institutions
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References |
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